Anybody using Pro-Labs out of Florida?

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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I to took the three day course with CMHC.

I also took another course with a private organization .

One scientist said one thing .

Another scientist said a different thing .

I decided I did not have near the knowledge to get involved with disagreeing with either one .

If I was on the other side in court I would be the looser .

No way do I want to be involved with a court case .

I write Hard talk soft and recommend they get immediate further evaluation by qualified personal.

I could care less if they do or don’t ,I just make sure I Cover myself.

I am a generalist in many things but I am not an expert in any thing .

I report what I see tell what I feel and make most clients very happy.

In most cases I do not have to recommend further evaluation but if I am not sure I DO!.

Roy Cooke sr … RHI…

Roy Cooke Sr.