Parr Inspections

Originally Posted By: tmantsch
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

PaRR is evidently taking all comers at this point. Car salesman, dishwashers, cableguys…and cablegals…

As long as you can pass the class, you're in.

The class is very basic.
They cover the ground rules
Test your aptitude with a computer
2 quizzes (1 over the days lesson, 1 over general construction knowledge)

A trailer is a matter of preference...I like to travel light.
If you're on the MS coast you can stay at the Navy Seabee base. Free
Free meals
Free laundry (done for you)
Free gas
Only problem is @ 1200 others are under the same roof (inspectors, red cross, scientologists....)

There is also Keessler A.F. base with decent rooms for @ 25.00/night

...both are on Pass road off of hwy 49

At this point, applicants for FEMA assistance are not too hard to contact.
Tell them they have an inspection scheduled for 2:00 pm....9 times out of 10 they will make sure to be there...

FEMA just this last week opened up the beach area (hwy 90 area) and it is surreal...

The bayou areas flooded as well... miles from the coast.

nasty stuff

...and as a side note, PaRR/FEMA servers need a serious upgrade...
that would be my main complaint as the reason for any slowdown at this point in the recovery...
I am averaging 10-12 daily

in any case if you want more info or you show up down here give me a call...972-953-7053