Is this Asbestos?

I have a house built in 1969 in Long Island NY. I had a home inspection done when I bought the house 4 years ago. He never mentioned asbestos. Anyway I was in the basement cleaning up some old bins and noticed one of these white wraps around the pipes near the ceiling had fell down on the floor. I did not touch it. It is white on the outside with metal bands wrapped around it holding it on. The only thing it says on it is 3/4 x 1/2 or something like that. It is yellowish inside the wide wrap. I am kinda freaked out. I have included a picture of one of them that is still up on the pipe. Thanks everyone!

No! Is your name really Joey Wallnuts?

Oh, So this is not asbestos? That is good. Yes my name is Joseph Wallnuts I am a Native American Indian.


Fiberglass, but only a lab can test it and know for sure.

Not likely Joey.

The yellow is fiberglass. The wrap… probably not asbestos because why would they use it there?

You can play it safe by gently wrapping it back up and coating it with latex paint.
Or go the whole way and have the white stuff tested.

just don’t lick it …it’s fine…

Knauf sells that exact wrap.

Great picture Joey Wallnuts. I agree witht the replies here. It’s fiberglass but it takes a lab test to know for sure.

Power sanding and sniffing would be worse. :wink:


20 plus of prolonged ingestion increases your chance of lung disease by 5 % or something like that. a piece on the floor is just a piece on the floor unless you are incredibly allergic or something