Can it be this bad?

Just read this in a financial newsletter titled:
"This New Trend Will Crush the Housing Market"

The national debt clock has the debt today at $13.455 trillion — or $43,532.97 per man, woman and child (not worker or taxpayer, mind you).
The debt is expected to rise to 100% of GDP in 2012. This doesn’t include the off balance sheet stuff like the $5 trillion of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debt that we all own. But no one wants to talk about that, so I’m not going to bring it up.
The only way to pay off this debt is to raise taxes or destroy the currency through inflation.
In the long run, you want to be out of U.S. debt and the U.S. dollar.

Unfortunately it is worse.

Absolutely, things are worse than what is being reported. Recovery can only come from the creation of private sector jobs, not growing government and entittlements. Working people buy goods and services, including homes and inspections.

And the numbers are higher if the rich peoples tax credits are extended.

Can you imagine if all of the other countries in the world cashed in the U.S. bonds that they own all at once?

I have a source that claims that is what just happened in Sept. of 2008, when there was an emergency monitary contribution to the Fed Reserve in the form of “stimulus” money. He says there was a run on the Fed Reserve bank. May be where the last stimulus monies have went since then, because none of us Americans have seen it. Our current president is clueless as to what is really happening, or is doing it on purpose. The collapse of the savings and loans was just a smoke screen. IMO.

That was Bush Act 1. The near collapse of the entire financial system was Bush Act 2.

That $43,532.97 doesn’t apply to me because a few years ago when it was about $33,000 per man, woman, and child, I sent my check in to the government to pay off my share. LOL

Hope ya got a receipt for that!:shock:

Oooops. I knew I forgot something…

Rich People… They suck… No one should have that much money…

The rich they never work at all… The Goverment should kick in there back door and take all there money… See how they like being poor…

Rich people suck…:mrgreen:



.The rich they never work at all… The Goverment should kick in there back door and take all there money… See how they like being poor…

Rich people suck…



I think they do, do that in some countries :neutral:

I think they do, do that in some countries :neutral:

Originally Posted by jbraun
And the numbers are higher if the rich peoples tax credits are extended.

***Originally Posted by rbibler ****

**](Can it be this bad? - General Inspection Discussion - InterNACHI®️ Forum)
***Rich People… They suck… No one should have that much money…

The rich they never work at all… The Government should kick in there back door and take all there money… See how they like being poor…

Rich people suck…:mrgreen:



Then we need to start doing that in the USA… RICH PEOPLE SUCK…

If some one makes more then $ 75,000 a year they need to pay more in taxes… A lot more… We have way to many RICH people in this country…



I obviously overpaid then since at the end of 2006 I wrote them a check for $142,517.23 – I want a refund!!! :shock: :wink:

Al (no wonder I’m poor now) in TN

Then we need to start doing that in the USA… RICH PEOPLE SUCK…

If some one makes more then $ 75,000 a year they need to pay more in taxes… A lot more… We have way to many RICH people in this country…



I know their are those that feel that way but when I have worked for someone at a hourly rate I ways glad to know that they where pretty well off, this made it much easier to make a good pay check. You will NEVER get rich working for a POOR man.:slight_smile:

Would you feel the same way if your door was eligible for a kick in? The only problem with rich people is, I’m not one of them!

Long live the wealthy!:stuck_out_tongue:


I think some of you missed Ron’s sarcasm. :wink:

Rich people need to pay their fair share. Even Warren Buffet says his secretary pays more taxes then him.

The fact is rich people are getting richer and poor people are getting poorer. When the economy was going the best, the rich people was paying a lot more and the deficit was considerably lower. Now the rich people pay less, the defict is higher and the economy sucks. So much for Reaganomics.

Also you Republicans need to stop waiting for handouts from rich people and forge your own future.

well as the president said