Inspection , Art or science

So what percentage would my fellow inspectors say ?? I say 70 % art

At least. Possibly higher.


Science, 80% or more

I would have to say its in the semantics of the word and your interpretation. I can see it either way depending…

The inspection itself is 90% art. The marketing that got you the inspection is 90% science.

In my opinion the science, education or experience what ever you want to call it qualifies you to be doing inspections. The art is how you see beyond the obvious and deliver your findings

Not sure… I would prefer to say that most of what comes out of my mouth and on to “paper” (digital or otherwise) is based on what I’ve learned, studied or otherwise.

Would implying “art” lend itself to my having to schmooze someone or otherwise have to “act” a role out to have what I’m saying taken literally.

I’d say more science than art. Not sure by %

How ya doin these days Gary? Hope you’re well.

The Art of inspecting homes is a Science.

Or is it…

The Science of inspecting homes is an Art?

Hmmm… good question!

Would implying “art” lend itself to my having to schmooze someone or otherwise have to “act” a role out to have what I’m saying taken literally.

I’d say more science than art. Not sure by %

How ya doin these days Gary? Hope you’re well.

Had a client in tears after my report the other day so I guess I failed the Art part. I am just great Tim how are you ???

The Art of inspecting homes is a Science.

Or is it…

The Science of inspecting homes is an Art?

Hmmm… good question!

"So whats the answer Grass hoper "

I think that is backwards for this reason.

Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions.
That sounds like Marketing.

Inspection is not designed to effect the emotions or we could give an opinion that effects the sale.

I thought I gave it. :wink:

Okay… both… 50%/50% :cool:

Ahh I see now…

But delivering your findings is not the Inspection. :wink:

Your report is your “Art”. It’s the part that stimulates thoughts and emotions that influence the buyers decision.

The act of inspecting contains the “science” part.

everything in life is both if you take pride in what you are doing. The science backs up your experience and opinions. The art is working the house and client into a beautiful easy to read report that missing nothing.