Roof Repair Question

I was cleaning my gutters and noticed when my roof was installed a few years ago they did a poor job of cutting a shingle. The exposed fascia is rotted as it is not sealed.

I was wondering the best way to repair this?

Should I replace the entire shingle?

Cut a small section and use nails and roofing tar to repair.

Just flash the exposed fascia?

Or any other suggestions.


Sample Report Revised (Small).jpg

Slide a piece of tin under that last corner shingle and replace the fascia board.

Or consider adding a drip edge to the entire gable end.

David …what is the overhang up the balance of the Rake…was there a reverse starter row used…and is there a drip edge up the rake???

Replacing the fascia board would involve removing the gutter, fascia covering.

It is hard to tell how much of the board is rotted. Only the small area is exposed.

Thanks for the reply.

The rot is not going away David.

Do it right and it will last decades.

Just do what flippers do,… cover, patch, conceal! Then you can add another 100 grand to your home when you sell it! :mrgreen:

Or you can do it right and replace it,… then add rake flashing to protect the fascia. :wink:

That is the rake flashing(drip edge) and there was is a starter row used.

I think I will probe the fascia to see how rotted it is.

If that is the case and there is shingle overhang of the drip edge the balance of the rake You could work a flashing between the starter row and first row…using plastic roof cement to seal between flashing and both layers…covering the exposed area…i would use no nails here…I would not be at all surprised to find the only rot in that fascia is at the exposed spot and if sealed and flashed would be of no future consequence…jmo…jim

Exactly…using metal (shingle color match if possible) you could hem the edges and extend it to the eave of the first shingle covering the exposed wood and angle it back to the bottom edge of the second course and tuck it under that.

Just think of all the damage that is never seen after it is covered up by aluminum and vinyl siding company’s.

If the fascia is not badly damaged, then simply slide another shingle under the existing shingle and fasten it. You do this by getting a pry bar and prying up the roofing nails from the underside of the existing shingle. Then get a new shingle and match it up to the existing shingle and cut it to fit/match the existing area. Then slide it under the existing shingle and re-fasten it.


I certainly agree with David. No need to go through any extensive repair untill the next time the shingles need to be replaced. Then I would install metal drip edge around entire house.


Are we going to remove the infection?


Did you not read every detail in my last post? I stated…

Would you like me to tell you how to repair the fascia if it is indeed damaged?

Good Afternoon David;

Did you NOT read the first thread post. He states “Rotted”. That being said, its an infection and will continue to grow, damage and or deteriorate the surrounding sound material. Masking the effected area with edge metal, shingles or mastic will not ensure structural integrity of the member.

I’ll answer my own question… If infection is present, it should be removed as part of any subsequent repair…

OMG…of course I read it. I’m not freakin blind.

The determining factor here is whether the rot minor or major? That will decide whether or not to remove the (what you call) infection.

And why are you debating on something that is obvious?

Posts #10 & #11 appear to address why I’m debating the issue. As inspectors and contractors we find improperly repaired issues on a daily basis which lead to more extensive damage and increased repair costs. This small area of damage in the fascia can extend to adjacent sheathing and or rafter framing if left untreated and or in place.

BTW, here in California the Structural Pest Control Board refers to items of issue as being “Infestation” and “Infection”…

I probed the area and the rot was minor.

I used an exterior wood filler/hardener. Then covered with a like colored flashing. Used roofing adhesive to adhere. I then cut a section of 3d shingle off the shingle pictured at the roof edge. I placed a small section of shingle under the original shingle along the rake and between the added flashing.

It came out really well and I thank all of you for your suggestions.


I will take a picture and post as soon as I get back on the roof.

I’m glad to see that it all turned out well.

I knew it would be a simple repair.