template for home inspection

Hello folks, Im just starting my business and am currently limited on finances and was wondering if anyone can direct me to where I can find a free home inspectors report template. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Your report is the single most important tool (other than your knowledge/education/experience) for a home inspector. As I see it, you have three options, bite the bullet and spend the cash on a quality report software that will grow with your business (such as H.I.P. or others), startout with a pay as you go program (such as ReportHost or others), or call it quits before you spend what cash you do have. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is not the “get rich quick” schemes that many HI Schools (such as AHIT and others) like to purport it to be.

Right here!

and a word processor / camera.

There’s a 1000 narrative document that Russell Ray and other Nachi members have created to give you a start too…

Type 1000 narratives in google for a start.

Get yourself a free Home Inspector Pro trial and start working with it right away.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or go on the help hotline at the site for detailed instructions to help you out.
The Hippies all help each other.

Hi Tim

Home Inspector Pro has a great membership help forum to assist you and a free 3 month trial.
You can also go on the help hotline for “live instruction” at anytime.http://www.homeinspectorpro.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=183
Feel free to contact me for anything I can do to get you through this.http://www.homeinspectorpro.com/

Kaplan ITA has carbon copy forms which cost about $10 each and would get you by for a while along with emailing photos using a pdf creator.

You can get 25 of those, get 25 inspections under your belt and use the time and money to get up and running with HIP. You will find the 3 month trial is a good deal.

Personally, If i were starting out again, I would just get the HIP trial and go after it like crazy.


Sign up with ReportHost and as an InterNACHI member you’ll get 15 free reports. As a new inspector you may not get as many inspections during a 30-day free trial as you need to be able to decide if it’s what you want to invest in.

Our free reports never expire and we don’t charge you for hosting or our tablet application (or any other software, support…)

Don’t spend your time putting together your own template in Word. Spend your time marketing and inspecting. It’s the best investment you can make in your business.

I only use Reporthost - and have been doing so since 2007 - exclusively and am quite satisfied with it!


Narratives: www.nachi.org/narratives.htm

What did you end up using Mr. Sawyer?

Try talkinspect.com its the best one out there.:cool:

Like a zombie, rising from the dead.

LOL! (I do a lot of Inspections down where they film “Walking Dead”)