What am I looking at?

Anyone know what this is? I thought it was a still at first. I think it has the word “Acetylene” on it. Sorry I did not think to get a pix of the label.

A still?

David, anywhere a flue or vent would have been connected to? Are those all water lines, or any fuel? The funnel is puzzling as well.

Still, moonshine maker. I think these were placed here. They are no longer connected to anything, if they were to begin with.

I think it might be this. Acetylene generator.

Yup very cool artifact. Was probably used for generating gas for lighting in BE era (before edison). Would have also been hugely dangerous, as acetylene is the most flammable gas there is. Makes ya wonder how we had grand parents:shock:

I am thinking that thingy should be in a museum somewhere.

Originally Posted by dokeefe http://nachi.cachefly.net/forum/images/2006/buttons/viewpost.gif
I think it might be this. Acetylene generator.

Yup very cool artifact. Was probably used for generating gas for lighting

From What am I looking at? - InterNACHI Inspection Forum What am I looking at? - InterNACHI®️ Forum

I agree great find and a good call .

That is what it is.

Generator-Acetylene-Oakland-CA Ind Mag, 1914 1600.jpg

Thanks to all.
the closest I ever saw to this was an old miners’ lamp same principle.

The things you find in an 1867 built home.:eek: