Carbon Monoxide Verbage

Anyone have good verbage if you find CO during an inspection?



That is not specific enough a question.

Kinda like saying what if I find water.

What level did you find Jonathan

As this house is supplied with natural gas and or has a fireplace we recommend installing at least one Carbon Monoxide Detector for safety reasons.

How about propane, wood, corn and wood pellets?:wink:

I recommended installing CO detectors. I got between 4 and 7 ppm while testing the furnace and water heater.



Jonathon, not to be a pain but how and where did you make the measurement?

How about it? :wink:

I say with any fossil fuel

Exactly, though the term fossil fuel is a misnomer.:wink:

Let’s leave it at any fuel burning appliance.

Micheal your work of art.

Thank you all for your help.

I have recommended to the client to install CO detectors in the house for safety reasons.

I know that different agencies have different tolerances for what is an acceptable CO level in a home.

I took the measurements (for the furnace) at a register while the furnace was in operation and at the vent above the water heater.



Go to and click on the Carbon Dioxide link for my experience with CO and what CO does to your body. Exposure limits are also shown.


If you are getting CO readings via a register the system needs to be evaluated by an HVAC professional. Where was your CO reading at the water heater? It should be taken either down the throat of the heater before it gets to the diluted air.