Does any one know if its Nicks Bday?

My email calender notified me its Nick’s Bday.
Anyone know?

Thanks Jeffrey. I owe you big time.

Where’d you get your info? I don’t think Nick’s B-day is until Spring.

My Hot Mail calender Jeffrey.
Thanks or the reply.
PS. Before any one else post please demise this until I get confirmation.
Thanks again Jeffrey.

I guess the thought was there.

May 25th.
Sorry all.

Don’t shoot me. I am only the messanger.
Sorry all.:eek:
Sorry Nick.

May 25th. I’ll be 51.

Sorry big guy.
All the best on your road trip.

51 Nick! Wow, you don’t look a day over 50 :wink:

That’s what I thought, as I remember I am only a few months older than you. :shock::wink:

It’s InterNACHI’s birthday today according to their FB page

Nick’s celebrating half birthdays now too, more cake. :slight_smile:

Between the two different FB pages, “InterNachi” & “InterNachi Staff”… InterNachi’s birthday is today in 1989, but was Founded in 1990 and again in 1992. :neutral:

Somebody there just wants extra cake :slight_smile: