First member to post with a last name that starts with T can pick an inspection book

The first member to reply can pick from any one of these great inspection books:

How to Perform Electrical Inspections


How to Perform Roof Inspections


How to Perform HVAC Inspections


How to Perform Plumbing Inspections


How to Perform Radon Inspections


How to Perform Exterior Inspections


How to Perform Mold Inspections

Make sure you reply by posting your name and the book you want.

These are hard copies.

Shipping is free.

Merry Christmas.

I would like to pass one of these books to the newer inspectors.

Merry Christmas!


please :slight_smile:

Radon would be great!
That is very generous of you Ray, thanks!

If no one has taken this, I would really like the HVAC book. Thank you

Student here Id be happy to have one! P.s That is really kind of you to do! ^

David Tearle

If I happen to be the actual first with a last name that starts with a T, I will take the Mold book.

The Second :slight_smile:

Marty TKarl:shock:

Booker Tjustice :wink: