Little Giant on QVC

13’ $119.00 right now. :smiley:

17’ ladder up next

you’re supposed to be moderating, not watching the qvc babes

man, i did everything to get you that esteemed position and look what you do with it

I am frigging multitasking you knucklehead. :D:D:D

I recommend Brian to be put on moderators probation. :twisted:

Darn, that’s about a month late. I used Barry’s advice and bought a 17’ Werner. :smiley:

that’ll learn ya :shock::roll::wink:

Werner is favorite my folding ladder Chris. I like the telescoping jobbies myself. But for the folding ladder guys the qvc price is good.

What is QVC, a shopping channel?

I agree, good price, just joshing ya.[�tween%](“”)