Over 1,300 inspectors registered for tonight's webinar, and they're still pouring in.

Invite them to the message board :slight_smile:

Thousands come here every day. They just don’t log in to the message board as you only have to log in to post.

Ok, invite them to participate.

They are participating, they just don’t post.

We have about 6,800 unique visits to this site every day, about 4,200 of those visit this message board every day, about 350 of those log in to this message board every day, and about 100 or so of those make at least one post.

We’re close to topping our 15 millionth unique visitor: www.nachi.org/ticker.htm

That’s 15 million different people.

Close to 1,400 are on Ben’s webinar right now. 1,400 is bigger than any inspection convention in our industry’s history.

Webinar was great again. Ben rocks.:cool:


Not bad for a guy who was supposed to fill-in for Gerry Beaumont until I could find a replacement for Education Director.

Bens a good man, I hope he’s around your office tomorrow when I’m in Boulder.

And to read the “Good Stuff” in the members only thread(s). :smiley:

Dale writes:

He should be in tomorrow.