SSN 681 BATFISH Nuclear Attack Submarine

Hi Guys,

I wanted to post this in the Florida section but I did not want to get attacked. So much arguing going on in the Florida site. I thought I put the article here. I hope you enjoy this article I’m very proud to have helped build this submarine I wanted to share with Friends. Please read and enjoy, if you served in the Navy I think you will enjoy it.

Thank you for sharing…

If you know someone who did a tour on the BATFISH SSN 681 please send to them. This is an honor for the BATFISH to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Thank you!

Thanks Alfred. Good stuff. I was an ASW acoustic operator on P3s in another life. Prior to that a sonar / multi-sensor operator on H-3s. I had the joy of tracking a Yankee once up inside the Arctic Circle only we were flying out of Adak, Alaska. I appreciate the accuracy of the piece. Most people don’t realize we have people on station 24/7 365 days a year around the world keeping an eye on things they don’t even know about. Hard to believe they paid me to do that. It was the best job in the Navy.