This week's (April 20) $100 Most Helpful Message Board Poster Contest.

Post the name of the member who you think makes the most helpful posts.

Don’t vote for yourself of course. Suggest as many (different) members as you like.

There is no sense in voting for past winners as they are ineligible. Past winners:

  • Jeff Pope.
  • Marcel Cyr.
  • Roy Cooke.
  • Charley Bottger
  • Russel Ray
  • Randy Mayo
  • Bob Elliot
  • Jeff Jonas
  • Steve Stancyk
  • Cameron Anderson

We’ll send the winner a check for $100.

If someone has helped you on the message board, post his/her name.

This contest is going to run at least once a week for a while.

Ray Wand

Peter Russell

I second Peter Russell.

Juan Jimenez

Larry Kage

Nathan Thornberry :twisted:

Larry Kage

Barry Adair

peter russell

Barry Adair

Joe Tedesco :twisted::twisted:

Barry Adair

Tom Whitt

Russ Hensel

Barry Adair

Ray Wand

Barry Adair

A good Texan: Barry Adair

Mike Auger.

always helpful, never nonsense.

Barry Adair