Illinois CE Need help

I need some help understanding the new CE for Illinois state relicensing can any one out there give me the ins and outs of it?
Thanks Andre

What do you need to know about it ?
Must have credits by end of year to renew.
You can take online classes or physical classes and testing is taking with a proctor.

There are numerous options …where are you located?

6 hours have to be “mandatory” courses, and the other 6 hours are “elective” of you so choose. But 12 hours cannot be all elective. Look on InterNACHI education section and click Illinois. You should see mandatory and elective courses.
The state will send you a postcard when it’s time to start processing your CE credits. If you do it through InterNACHI, they send that info in for you. Mine are already showing on IDPFR site.
Hope that helps.

Bob, Was wondering how the InterNACHI on line classes worked with proctor for relic. I’m located in Jerseyville. Thanks

Thanks Mark, how did you find proctor?

Andre contact Chris Currins.
We have free procuring at our chapter meeting every month however you can also use a Library.

Check your local library. Print out required proctoring form from Inter NACHI, then log in under library proctoring protocols while at library (all are different), have them sign form when done and then scan and email or just take a clear legible picture and send it to Nick (? Check on that).
Local colleges do it as well, check them out.