Let's play a game....

Which person should be required, in a licensed state, to get a home inspector license:

A. Someone who inspects homes for a living, including multiple items from the state SOP, directly for buyers or sellers.

B. A handyman who inspects homes, including multiple items from the state SOP, directly for anyone who wants to know what’s wrong with a house so they know what to fix, regardless of if the home is for sale.

C. Someone who inspects homes, including multiple items from the state SOP, directly for banks to assess the condition of a property to ensure proper condition for selling the home.

D. Someone who works as a subcontractor for a builder who, as part of their service, builds the home and throughout the process reports to the builder (owner), via written lists, the quality of construction which include multiple items from the state SOP.

E. Someone who works as a subcontractor for a builder who, as part of their service, reports to the builder, via written lists, the quality of construction which includes multiple items from the state SOP.

None of them “should” be required to get a license. Licensing establishes a legitimate-looking lower bar that allows more inspectors to enter our profession, easier, and allows them to survive longer by waiving their state-issued credential… than the free market system allows.

Yes, of course, touche’. However, play along and humor me…

But… if any of them “must”, then they all “should”, for various reasons. In other words Mr. Pierce, yes, the state says you “must”, therefore you “should”. You’ve been beating this horse for almost a year now, let it rest in peace. Get the damned license! If you have as much work that you’ve claimed you have, you “shouldn’t” even notice the fee.

You clearly haven’t been following along Mr. Jonas. This came up in November (approx. 4 months ago) and I’m not currently required to get a license. The state hasn’t ruled yet. Nor has it ruled on most of the variations listed above. What do you think?


You guys seem to be missing this part of the sentence. Said state already has licensing. I agree with your answers in an unlicensed state. They’re moot now.


I completely agree with you and Nick.


If the state **requires **you to be licensed, through law, then you **must **get your license, or cease performing the activities that **require **said license.


No one is arguing otherwise.

As opposed to Web Based Associations…

It all depends on how that particular state defines a home inspection.

Yep, some could avoid licensing by definition.

Which ones and why?