Sub panel, see anything wrong?

I would guess amateur installation. Rewired part of the house, left 1/2 the KnT and fuse blocks and didn’t even install hardwired smokes.


Scott… This is definitely a “Do it Yourself”

That looks like a 12-gauge wire to me.

That would be for a 20-amp circuit breaker.


That 100 amp main breaker is definitely not protecting the wire attached to it. It’s probably being used as a shut-off ONLY. What was at the other end of this wire?

Also, the GEC’s aren’t even bonded.

I actually don’t know what was on the other end. This panel is in a closet in the Old part of the house, the new part (probably still 100+ years old) down the hall has a 10 circuit screw type fuse “panel” (some circuits disconnected) and the basement has a rats nest of a breaker panel with a Square D pull fuse main with bus and screw type branch circuits. NICE

Even if the 100AMP breaker is only being used as a shut off, the 12 (and it is a 12) is supplying 9 other circuits:shock:

I don’t believe the GEC’s need to be bonded if the panel is being used as a Sub. Is this correct anybody?


That is SO wrong it is not even funny!!!

That is 10/2 and is being used as a feeder, which means the bare ground is being used as both the neutral and the ground. This is s huge violation on any planet!
Considering just what is in these two pics I would call the whole house out as a defect, seriously! Who knows what this hack got his hands into.

Frank, E353.1 does NOT apply here. That is for services, this is a sub-panel, not service equipment or service conductors.

Hi to all

as Pete said that is so bad it is nearly funny, FUBAR’d

Scott I love that picture of the wooden enclosure, K&T. Fused neutrals et al, the only thing it is missing is an asbestos liner!!.. pure 1920’s

That ain’t home inspection, that’s archeology



I love that!

Speedy is right, you use 310.16 to size sub panel feeders unless it is the main panel serving the whole dwelling. 100a is 3ga copper and 1ga al.