Condensate line is emitting water at side of house.

To my knowledge, condensate drip lines always have a primary and a secondary drip line. The primary drips into an internal waste line and the secondary is in a conspicuous place at the exterior. This very nice home in So Cal has a fairly new condenser with new ducting and a visually nice installation. Cold air ratio to return air was 14 degrees. In this photo it is evident that water is coming out a A drip line outside the house near a walkway surface drain. Is this wrong?

If its a secondary drain its ok but if its a primary drain its wrong

Im confused, primary draining into interior drainage?? Better be before a trap if going into the sewer system. Your foto is the secondary - then you have a Problem- the primary is clogged.

It looks to me to be a secondary only because it is outside but it could be the primary incorrectly directed to the outside. On a visual inspection such as this I don’t go so far as to open up the air handler and look at plumbing to see if there are two drains and where they travel to.

Primary AC condensate can drain outside as long as it’s not on a public right of way or affects the footing. Looks like a proper AC primary drain to me.

Did you not read the OP

How else can I say it if the primary drain is draining onto a sidewalk its wrong. If the secondary drain is in a visible place its correct. It simply means the primary drain is stopped up and you need to report it if it is indeed the secondary drain

BTW removing a cover is not required to determine which is primary and which is secondary. If you don’t know which is which you need some more training;-)

Why is the primary AC drain draining on a private sidewalk wrong, Charley?

I bet the unit is installed in the garage on the other side of that wall. No condensate pump, just a drain line. And probably no secondary either.


C’mon, of course there is a secondary drain, it just drains right back into the primary drain line :stuck_out_tongue:

You already stated the answer your self;-)

Looks like it’s going to a sub-surface drainage system to me.

That’s what it looks like to me too. However, it does appear that most of the water is pooling next to the structure instead of making its way into that drain. Also, zoom in and take a look at the weep screed underneath the discharge.

I had a condo the other day where the secondary line dripped right over the front door!

The whole complex was like that.

Well what did you say about it. BTW a secondary drain is not suppose to be dripping:p

Anti-solicitor measure.

Let me break this down. The picture shows an acceptable primary AC condensate drain. The drain is assumed to be installed with proper slope between the unit and what’s observed in the picture.

Drain water is not discharged on public row. Check

Drainage water is not affecting the footing (my guess sog). It is draining to a subsurface system. Check

As Jeremy pointed out, there is a slight bird bath but consider the spatter radius too. For the amount of condensate apparent, backup water to the foundation would be minimal.

The sill appears to be less than 2" above the sidewalk (could report that) and the finish wall appears to exhibit some surface irregularities. Examination at the site should verify if drip spatter was affecting the finish wall or allowing moss or mold conditions. A simple remediation would be a downward pointed section of PVC added at the outlet.

But, but, but if that’s the primary drain, where’s the secondary? Per a previous poster, the unit is in a garage. Secondary condensate drains on the garage floor (readily observable location). That was probably obvious when looking at the unit. Or maybe unit had an auxiliary pan with interlock? There again easily observed.

Jeez Louise …

Like Charley said several times. YOU do not need to take anything apart to see if its primary OR secondary … Look at the damn unit. Does it have 1 or 2 condensate lines coming out. If 2, where do they go. IF 2 and one ends up outside, the primary is clogged … Call a contractor for service.