Antbody know about this?

Did an inspection today, better than average flip of a Chicago style Bungalow.

Very nice finishing. The only real problem was an un-labeled electrical panel and no thermostat for the furnace (it couldn’t be operated). Duh!

But, in the beautiful bathroom, I saw this trap under the designer basin.

It does not seem like a proper P trap.

Anyone seen this and is it OK?


That is a bottle trap.

Are they allowed in Chicago?


Don’t know. That’s why I am asking. Really well done finishing and trim (except for the missing thermostat). Older, retired postal worker buying his first house. Really good job for a flip, forclosure. South Shore area (81st & Euclid).

It’s been discussed before here. The local AHJ can allow it.

I would be more concerned about the missing thermostat and un-labeled electrical panel than the bottle trap…:wink:


Illinois plumbing code:

k) Prohibited Traps. Use of the following traps is prohibited (see Appendix D: Illustration E):

  1.     Traps which depend upon the action of movable parts  for their seal. 
  2.     Full "S" traps.  Exception:  Water closet and similar  fixtures which depend on self-siphonage for their proper operation. 
  3.     Bell traps. 
  4.     Crown vented traps. 
  5.     Unvented running traps. 

6)** Fixtures with concealed interior partitioned traps.** Exception: Fixtures with integral traps constructed of vitrified earthenware and penal institutional fixtures with integral traps constructed of ferrous material.


c) Trap Size. The size of trap for a fixture shall comply with Appendix A: Table E for minimum size of traps. No trap shall be larger than the fixture drain to which it is connected or the drainage pipe into which it discharges.

Minimum Size of Trap2 (inches) **- 1¼ **

The one you have Will doesn’t look like it’s 1 1/4"

IRC. Table P3201.7
[FONT=Helvetica-Bold][FONT=Helvetica-Bold] - - - Lavatory … 1-1/4"[/FONT][/FONT]

Don’t some of the bottle traps have internal parts?

So does anyone have an answer to the original question???

Bottle traps are common and I see them all the time Will but if you wish to call them out they are not actually allowed.

They are most seen by myself in high end Downtown Condos and it is because they are used in conjunction with glass basins that let you see the bottom plumbing.
Bottle traps are attractive and I always inform them that they are not allowed but certainly understand them not running to ACE for a $1.99 PVC trap complete with ugly price tag and bar code.

*Type of Traps. Traps shall have a uniform and smooth interior, and shall have no partitions or movable parts. The trap seal shall be non-adjustable. (See Appendix D: Illustration C.)

To wrap up think of drum traps and how they are also partition type and not allowed.

According to this drums are still allowed in Illinois.

**Section 890.410 Fixture Traps/Continuous **](Section 890)

) Drum Traps. Drum traps shall be 3 or 4 inches in diameter and provided with a fixed water seal of at least 2 inches. The trap cleanout shall be one size less than the trap diameter.

They’re Not mentioned in prohibited traps. :shock:

k) Prohibited Traps. Use of the following traps is prohibited (see Appendix D: Illustration E):

  1.     Traps which depend upon the action of movable parts  for their seal. 
  2.     Full "S" traps.  Exception:  Water closet and similar   fixtures which depend on self-siphonage for their proper operation. 
  3.     Bell traps. 
  4.     Crown vented traps. 
  5.     Unvented running traps. 

6)Fixtures with concealed interior partitioned traps. Exception: Fixtures with integral traps constructed of vitrified earthenware and penal institutional fixtures with integral traps constructed of ferrous material.

That type of trap is allowed here , run it to last month

Never ran into a bottle trap in Okla but have had lots of repos with the Stat missing and wire hanging from the wall I just wire the Red and the White together and go watch the furnace activate:roll:

Thanks, guys. I did call out the panel and the missing stat. It’s not that the stat was missing, with wires hanging. It was that there was NO indication of them ever even attempting to install a stat.

I questioned the designer sink and trap at the local Lowes. Not allowed in Ontario.

Number 6 would be a drum trap.

These are referred to as “designer” or “decorative” traps. You would have to confirm the listing to know whether it’s allowed in your jurisdiction. When listed appropriately, they are allowed by UPC, IPC and CSA.

Here’s a similar type

I see nothing in your link that proves they are excepted or exempted.