
How many of you inspect private or community wells for pressure and flow.

I am moving this thread from the general discussion area to here.

Roy Cooke and I have been discussing this and I think it’s a good topic as many of us live in rural area’s.

Nobody has an opinion on wells!

That’s a surprise.

I do well water testing and test for pressure and flow.

Do you have a question?

Contact Joe Farsetta.

I had posted in another section and Roy and I were talking about testing flow & pressure. I test for it because it can detect problems with the pump/main water line into the house and the water pump is just as important as any other component. So that said I was just wondering how many people do this inspection and how often do you write something up or how do you report it.
I always document the pressure, flow,and temp. at time of inspection.


For Wells, our Office routinely samples Water for Analysis (of all types and levels of Testing) as well as Flow / Yield.

Well Head, Pump, Spring House, etc…are also inspected along with any conditions that may be noted.

Recommendations for followup are based upon the Laboratory results of the Water as well as the physical conditions of the Water Systems that are observed at the time of inspection.

Thanks Joe, I do the same but how do you inspect the pump, assuming it’s submersible, other than flow/pressure

If the pump is submersible, it can not be physically inspected…

Flow, Pressure and Yield are all you have unless you have additional information with regard to Age, Depth of Water, Depth of Pump, etc… to make more informed recommendations with regard to repair/service/replacement of the pump equipment.

OK how about this scenario. The client is concerned about water pressure in the house, there is a water softening system installed and the client doesnt see the need for a water test. You test the flow and are lucky to get 3 gallons per minute, how would you write it up.

Thanks Joe, you annswered my question as I was writing my new post.

The water softener may also be restricting flow.

Yes your correct if not maintained properly. It can also be restricted by bacteria build up around the pump, the main line clogged or lack of pressure or sediment in the holding tank

how are you testing flow and pressure properly?

I use a valve MFG by Watts Regulator, it’s basically a gate valve with 2 gauges, one for gallons per minute and one for PSI. I test at a hose bib down line from the holding tank but as close to it as possible, How do you test?

I use the same gauge. Works very well.

As for the water testing, I use a local lab that is located 10 minutes from my office.


David; Do you ever make any recommendations regarding wells, I was wondering if this should be added to my report. Say the home has a water softening system, you wouldn’t do a water test but what about the condition of the pump and main water line. I was just wondering if it’s worth suggesting for further inspection by a pump comp.

I try not to pass off many components to other contractors if the components are in visibly good condition and in good working order.

95% of my well water clients pay for my optional water testing. If they don’t, they sign a waiver stating that they declined my water test.

I get them their water quality results within two days of drawing the water. The Pressure and GPM are given by word of mouth and not noted in my report.

I do have a section in my 64-page manual (that every client gets in thier report) and on my web site that’ll detail all well water information.