girder question

I need a simple write up.
1.) Girder
2.) Post
Laminated using deck screws not through bolts and washers.
Gaps in the lamination.
The post at the girder fastening requirements.
The temporary screw post is not anchored.
Lots of carpentry errors.
New project.
2008 build.

Never learn unless you ask.
Narrative so far.

Red arrows indicate laminated joist opens.
Beam or girder joists laminated using deck screws.
Calls for through bolts and washers at opposed parallel centered spacing on 24" centers

No end hanger brace.
End post is to small.
1.5" inch Opening. Improper anchorage on wooden end post for beam or girder.
End-post must equal or greater the size of the beam or girder.
Metal post foot plate is not anchored to the beam or girder.
Wooden jack post and scabbed wedge under performing.
The jack post should be snug under the beam or girder.
The wedge has been crack by over nailing.

Reply please.

Don’t try to list all of the conditions - that’s not your job. Just list a few and defer it. I would write something like;

The (floor framing or floor support system) in/at (location) has been constructed using unconventional methods, the most notable being improper attachments and undersized support lumber. In addition, the screw-type jack is designed to be used only as temporary support, all of which are indicative of work performed by unqualified persons. As such, we do not endorse the installed components and recommend corrections or replacement of the (floor framing or floor support system) by a qualified contractor.

This is just off the top of my head, but you can change it to fit your needs.

Thanks Jeff.
I try to build a better narrative for future referencing material.
Clients that can follow have a better understanding of the condition.
The ones that can not I explain condition observed.

Floor supporting system using unconventional methods.
Recommend GC.
Yours is eloquent and will be helpful.
The repair person has to be lead by the nose sometimes and they can also add there own unneeded repairs.

I know short direct observation is required but the other side of the reporting effort is to be as descriptive as possible.
Vern M said it gracefully.
He interprets his clients basic skill-sets and adjusts his reports accordingly.

Jeff is my remark or narrative OK in your eyes?

Robert, I like to list as many defects that I see when commenting on things like this. I like use the words “the following concerns were identified but not limited to (insert observations), and a further evaluation and correction as determined by a qualified contractor is recommended”. There are often multiple concerns especially when inspecting decks where this often comes into play.

" but not limited to."
I list to much at times.
Simple and effective.


Thanks everyone.
I spend to much time defining errors.
Several defects on the specific component and recommend or refer.


Not like Jeffrey Jonas described.:roll:
It was nice InterNACHI members bringing me to the answer.


I agree that less is more as far as this goes.

The more expensive,involved,or possible hidden issues there are in a complicated system it is best to report what caught your eye in the first place and get a contractor involved to take your liability rather than trying to provide a punchlist of what needs to be fixed ,unless you plan on stating everything you list is the actual fix.

Take off your Contractor hat Robert, and put on the generalist hat.

That hat is hard to put away after so many years.

Thank you Mr. POPE and John.
Sorry BOB for not getting it the first hindered times.
To the deft, which I am almost literally ( my hearing ) and figurative at times, it is hard to hear.

Always observed, evaluated, then enacted repair at the complexities.
It is not forgotten now.

Sorry, I’ve been away from “civilization” all day…

Happy to help.

WOW for educational information I googled residential girder lamination and here it is.
Dam Nick you are quick.:slight_smile: