Raising the grade,sloping the grade away,mudjacking slabs etc

Go ahead and raise the grade etc,fine…raise it up to the roof.
There are VOIDS underneath concrete slabs,underneath driveways,patios etc. Water can travel underneath slabs and back towards basements walls through these voids and-or back towards basement walls through-the SOIL.there is no UNDERGROUND ‘pitch’,no underground ‘slope’. Some water that makes it to EDGE of driveway goes down into the soil and can travel,move through the soil or VOIDS and back towards the house/wall.

And so, when there are existing DEFECTS such as exteior cracks,cracked parging,NO parging on exterior wall then that water can still enter basement,cause blocks-bricks-joints to deteriorate…got it? :mrgreen:


I’ve read a lot of your posts. I live on the east side of detroit in Grosse Pointe, have a small colonial with a wet basement (block wall), can you reccommend a few companies?

Capizzo Const 885-0612 or Mark Anderson Wtrpf`g 881-8035