Wood slat decking

The pea that sits between my ears is rattling around too much.:wink:
What is the proper term for decking consisting of only 1 x 2 wood slats?

If it is on the roof like your pictures, I would call it skip sheathing.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

Funny you should mention that, It is the exact roof in question!
Thanks Hammah! (i’ve been waiting to say that) :mrgreen:

I would not call it decking at all. I would call it strapping.


That is funny, I would not call it sheathing either. ha. ha.

I would call it skipping a lot of sheathing. :wink: :slight_smile:

Marcel :smiley:

'Course if’n yur country folk what built that barn you’d just call 'em nailers.

Oh listen to mr. smarty pants using them high tech, big city words! :wink: