Another successful Well Sampler seminar...

On Saturday, November 11th, I had the pleasure of presenting our Certified Well Sampler seminar to WiNACHI and WAHI members in Milwaukee. 27 more folks were added to the ranks of CWS.

The seminar covers wells, construction, components, operation, evaluation, site assessment, contaminants, testing, filtration techniques, and sampling protocols. It concludes with a qualifying exam.

Dave Nice coordinated the event, which was well organized and attracted inspectors from outside of NACHI.

Hats off to Dave and Company for a job well done. Feedback was all positive, and I look forward to returning to Wisconsin for the next class.

This seminar is available on CD, and I have taken it on the road over the next few months. For those interested in purchasing the CD, or possibly scheduling an event in your area, drop me a line at


Great news on this latest seminar!

Speaking for myself and all New Hampshire Home Inspectors who attended your seminar I can say that you are providing a highly educational class, and a valuable tool for our use in the inspection industry.

I can and would highly recommend you, and your course to all NACHI Chapter Presidents!

We need more legitimate, well organized, and highly professional trainers like you.

Keep up the good work


[size=2]I just thought I would add a reminder of up comming training.  

Everyone who is interested, you need to RSVP, please.

You need to contact me right away!

Jason Sieg
(810) 658-4632

It is being held at the Davison Athletic Club (I-69 & M15) That’s between Flint & Lapeer.

More Information at:
