NACHI teams up with airlines to get members more inspections.

Great followup, HQ!

I saw the ad for this outfit in an email I get from Alaska Airlines, and an idea popped into my head-

I contacted Kirk. When Kirk asked if I’d be interested in being a part of his network . . .
I told him I could do one better, how about having nearly ten thousand Certified Inspectors join up, in one fell swoop???!!!

I put him in touch with Lisa, Dee & Nick - the rest is history.

More guaranteed work for fellow members- NACHI really does rock!!!

We’re going to have a roll out meeting on it in Portland, Oregon on February 8, 2007. Everyone welcome.

Thanks for your work on this project Russell!

Sounds good, so we don’t have to sign up individually?

Happy to help NACHI - always!

If you’d like me to continue to liase for this project, just hop me over from Spokane on the 8th, Nick!