Exclusive E&O insurance benefit for CMIs only. No deductibles, no charge!

FREA announced an EXCLUSIVE deal for Certified Master Inspectors today. Due to the superior experience, education and commitment of Certified Master Inspectors (the home inspection industry’s highest ranked professionals)… all Error and Omissions insurance deductibles will be dropped to ZERO for all Certified Master Inspectors in the U.S. and Canada, at no charge to the Certified Master Inspector (CMI), effective immediately. This is an EXCLUSIVE benefit to CMIs, not available to any other inspectors anywhere, as CMIs, and only CMIs deserve it.

Many thanks to Michael Rowan, President of the Master Inspector Certification Board and Nigel Bonny, General Counsel for FREA who met today in Boulder, Colorado to hammer out this exclusive CMI benefit.


And remember… there are no annual dues to be a CMI.

Wow! Thats quite a deal.

Congratulations Nick and Nachi for providing another great benefit!

Tha’t great Nick. Thanks to all involved!

Hey Nick

Good going. OAHI doesn’t have anything like that! As a matter of fact OAHI doesn’t have a lot of things.

Maybe I just might take out a membership in Nachi. The more I see the more I like.

Take care big guy!


I’m very happy for the CMI’s but what about the rest of us. There are 577 Nachi members in Canada and only 13 of them are CMI’s. A deal was supposed to come out in August for the members. I’m still anxiously waiting.

I am not a CMI. I don’t feel any different, look any different, inspect differently, et ceteras.

Nor do I seem to be losing any work nor will I lose any market share.

I could be a CMI but I hardly see the point in it. Ditto the National.

When licencing comes to Ontario titles will be meaningless in my opinion.

Wrong. Remember though, I have inside information. When licensing comes to any state it turns our services into a commodity and makes us all the same “equally licensed.” No inspector then is any more “licensed” than another.

It is then that all the things which DISTINGUISH you from your competitors become so very important. Again though, I have inside information… years of watching it unfold in the states.

Yeah Nick

But you may have seen licencing unfold in the states but you have yet to see it unfold in Canada, and you don’t fully understand the politics or how things work in Canada. Yes we have all seen what you do with inside info. Just like you tried to defend CHI then backed away after trying to defend it only to realize you couldn’t defend it and won’t defend it.

More action Nick less talk please! BC is proceeding with licencing, as is Alberta and as is Ontario. The horse is out of the gate Nachi has missed the boat. Lots of talk no action. Thanks Nick we’ll look out after out own interests either with your help or without it.

Don’t worry Nick I am keeping those important hits up on the Nachi board that you so dearly prize.

This is unbelievable ,no deductable for CMI , it shows our system is trusted and tell the Global news, How can NACHI got deductable For our member!
And CAPI has solicited their own coverage in BC because no one would insure their members two years ago.Please correct me if I am wrong.

As BC Solicitor General said that any Inspector must belongs to one of Professional Association and carry E &O would be adequate. He is right.
Creditability is earned from experience and time.

BC Government paid lots of money for leaky Condos. Some condos owner paid up to $ 150,000.00 to fix one of two bedrooms apartment.
If some thing went wrong with our inspectors , how much our Government and taxpayer have to pay again? How to punish the inspector? put them in jail? Do you know how much time needed to open a court case for Realtor in BC council?
It spent me days with 8 persons from BC RE council to sit in the court room to listen one of case, and that time I was one of the Nomineer responseable for the Salesperson’s wrong doing.
Please understand our problem.

James, you raise good points, but it remains to be seen just what the premiums will be and the details.

I think you will find that the catalyst in Ontario will be for Oahi to have itself licenced and be set up much like Tarion New Home Warranty Program.

Why would OAHI pay a large amount for the Tarion Ex President to be retained by OAHI whose sole responsibility will be to push/promote licencing. That will entail OAHI needing to demonstrate the ability to self insure themselves.

I can’t speak to BC issues vis a vis insurance other than to say again that the devil will be in the details and the premiums.

Again only speculating but I would suspect that premiums will be at or above $4k.

James who is speaking on your behalf in BC? Is it BCIPI, CAHPI, NACHI, ASHI or the other inspectors who remain unaligned?


They have not understand one of non benefit for members yet , when you are licensed,
The client will try hard to get their compansation back and much more sure their Lawyer to cancel your license or suspend you.???

Ray the government always has committees and studies before they do things. It’s up to you to search them out and stick you nose in and make sure that your concerns are met. Setting back and letting them control your life without trying to influence is going to leave you frustrated and miserable. I’m sad to say that is the impression I get from your posts. Why don’t you track down the Ont government people that are studying the HI industry and make your concerns known to them.
CAPHI has been meeting with the government here for the last year or so. When I found out about it I tracked down the Chairman and he was very happy to include NACHI in the discussions. That simple phone call alone has prompted CAPHI Alberta to call an emergency meeting on Dec 4. I will do my best to find out what they are planning.
I have some plans that are going to shake things up here and likely across the country. I can not tell you what they are at this point. I do not want to tip my hand. Rest assured things are going to change. NACHI will have some influence.
So Ray instead of wasting your time and energy bitching and belly aching put all that energy and knowledge to work. Search out the government people that are studying HI industry and approach the chief. I would be willing to bet that he/she will welcome you and will appreciate any good information you have and thus influence the outcome.
Go for it!


Licencing is no more of a concern with regard to discipline or negligence than self regulation. One is self controlled the other (licencing) is overseen by govenment. Who would you believe to be better qualified a licence electrician, or a non licenced electrician, or a licenced home inspector an unlicenced home inspector? I bet the consumer would pick Licenced member. Besides licencing would make this arguement pointless because everyone would be licenced. You can’t practice if not licenced.


Rest assured thats exactly what I have done and what I am doing. I just want others to be aware that they too should not sit on their collective laurels and not bitch and complain now, but will be bitching later when things are to far along to possibly rectify.

Thanks for taking a stand in your area.


As a NACHI CMI, you should be so good you don’t need E&O :wink:

Now there’s a marketing gimmick I can get behind.