Pro-lab Mold Course Toronto Pics

PRO-LAB MOLD COURSE IN TORONTO Doug Caprio put on an very informative,and professional course on mold.The course was at no cost to attendees he provided breakfast,lunch and lots of good info!!

Thank you Pro-Lab and Doug!!

And on a personal note I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Roy Cooke and Mrs.Cooke!!!

I’m having problems uploading pictures will email them to Roy maybe he will have more luck in posting.



Did Doug say anything about the purchase of Fedex envelopes for to submit samples

I attended a class in Rochester last March and he said you buy their pre paid mailers for $10.00 and ProLab eats the extra cost.

Well I have had to pay in excess of $300.00 in Fed Ex charges for shipping samples, over and above the $10 each I paid them. :twisted:

The pre paid deal ONLY WORKS IN THE US.:shock:

I have stopped doing IAQs cause the revenue is not worth it.

When they open their lab here I will evaluate again.

Just a word of caution



In all fairness to Doug he travels all over the U.S. with this course I’m sure he sometimes forgets what city he is in,maybe when he mentioned the deal to your class it was because you were in Rochester and it was applicable there.

In my opinion, I like CMHC protocol for indoor air quality issues. No testing involved. I think testing is overated and costly.

I understand your comment, and in all fairness Pro- Lab sent me a bunch of airoseals and lab fees to make up for the cost, however, he did know I was from Canada when he told me that.

How did he deal with it at the class you attended?


I emailed Doug Caprio a picture of the first group (Saturday’s) yesturday. He will be sending it to Nick for submission soon.

I was working on the Saturday and looking forward to attending on Sunday. However, a family gathering for a lunch/birthday for my daughter kept me at home on Sunday. That’s what happens when I don’t check the social calender.:frowning:


You missed a good class.Maybe next time!

What did Doug Have to say about shipping samples?

Samples are to be shipped to the Vaughn lab in prepaid courier bags, I think the price was still around $10 per bag but wether that is u.s or cdn. I’m not sure.

Gerry Pallotta

Thanks Gerry did he say when the new lab opens?


November 1st just north of Toronto.
Roy Cooke

Did Doug say anything about extra free samples and fees so that we could do our first test on our homes?

Received my silver package and no FEDEX prepaid envelopes. Will check tomorrow with Pro-Lab.

Waiting for the RADON course, hopefully in the near future.