Gas Appliance Connectors

Gas appliance connectors (GAC) i.e; IRC G2422

For (inspectors) that might not know, a gas appliance connector is the flexible gas line that connects a (water heater, heater or range, etc.) to the gas supply.

A topic of continual discussion at meetings in Texas are the CSST gas lines. A notation of such concern is added in the draft Preamble of a proposed 7-5. (I have no info on 7-5.)

You should also be aware of gas appliance connectors (GAC) and the similar potential effect lightning or electrical arcs have on the (GAC).

You can’t stop the causes but you may minimize your liability under TREC 535.229(a)(1)(G)(v) if you know about the potential (GAC) hazards for your report/inspection. (See Dallas area CSST subrogation case as example)

The article below sort of debunks the idea that codification considers a gas appliance connector attached to a grounded appliance is grounded and exposes some hazards where a (GAC) is used. (i.e; Electrical flow up a refrigerant line from a compressor short up to the gas-fired heater gas line.)

There are instances and reports where lightning or other arcing have damaged the (GAC).

See -

*Sorry, if you are not from Texas I’m not able to respond and offer any more than what you are reading. If are from Texas you can go to association meetings or classes. If you are one of the few on the occasional sample CC:report language mails then you are already prepared to protect yourself from the possibility of subrogation or claim.

**Usual disclaimers apply. :roll:

Thanks Jim

You may have language example already.

Have felt the same as Jim for a while but the connectors and bonding jumpers seems lost in the current conversation and certainly by the attempts by TREC to do what ever it is that they are doing…no one is quite sure what that it but we have suspicions. The recent IAC meeting discussions indicates that the TREC administrator has had ongoing discussions with the manufacturers but no one knows what they are nor are any of the IAC asking either…

Musing. Would a GAC or CSST connected at both ends to insulated connectors be safer than bonded materials. Like a bird sitting on a 345 kv transmission line.