TREC IAC Education Subcommittee teleconference

[FONT=Arial]The TREC Inspectors Advisory Committee Education Subcommittee met via teleconference last Friday. Attached are my notes (bold, blue, italic) from the meeting. Pay special attention to the chat log at the end of my notes, some interesting side comments were made.

[/FONT]Education Subcommittee 101609b.pdf (83.2 KB)

If TREC now oversees phase inspections, where’s the forms? What rules do we reference? Looks like a mess.

Well, I think there’s a lot of ‘splainin’ for TREC to do. Don’t anyone get too excited about that comment made by a subcommittee member. For one, TREC has a Request for Opinion in to the Attorney General on a related topic that will surely determine just how much jurisdiction TREC has. The comment does confuse things though doesn’t it?


Thank you once again for providing the rest of use with an inside view to these proceedings.:shock:

With regards to phase inspections: Does that mean that TREC wants us to use the old TRCC fee inspector forms that basically say nothing more than “I inspected the house on this date and it passed?” So are all of the Burgess and DP builder QC inspections going to be regulated by TREC too? They going to take jurisdiction over HERS inspection?

They sued a local stucco specialist a while back for not being TREC licensed or using their forms for stucco specific inspections and lost.

Someone has gone totally amok.

I don’t think anyone knows what those off-the-cuff comments mean. For the time being just scratch your head and wonder.

For what it’s worth, those teleconferences are open to all although the log-in information is sometimes difficult to come by. The GoToMeeting session will accommodate 16 attendees at the same time and there were only 6 of us last Friday morning. The next one I hear about maybe I’ll post the log-in information here.

Mike, thanks for all of your hard work. Without you it would be impossible to keep up with TREC.

Sure, no problem. BTW, here’s a link to that AG Request for Opinion I was referring to. I’m hoping the AG response will come down before the end of the year.