Legislative Committee

Originally Posted By: bwiley
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John Bowman and I would like to announce the reinstatement of the NACHI Legislation Committee.

The Legislation Committee will consist of four members plus Joe Ferry, NACHI?s legal counsel. The committee will be responsible for staying on top of states licensing issues including staying abreast of changing laws for states with licensing, attempting to gain non association specific licensing laws in states currently pursuing legislation, and keeping an eye on states which currently have no legislation plans. The committee will also be responsible for keeping NACHI leadership informed about anything connected with home inspection legislation.

We would like to have one member from each state as a specific representative to keep the committee informed about action pertaining to their state. I urge anyone interested to contact any member of the committee about these positions.

The four members of the Legislation Committee are: Dan Osbourne, NY, Jay Schwartz, FL, Jim Bushart, MO and Patrick Sisler, CA.

Please join John and I in congratulating these fine members who have stepped forward to help.

Originally Posted By: chorne
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.


I would be happy to take care of NH leg. as I have been working
with our legislators on writing the Bill that we have in house.


Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Great Carla, Thanks!!