New one for me!

Originally Posted By: jpope
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

A technically exhaustive inspection would require experts in several fields, could cost thousands of dollars and could take several days to complete. In the end, several thousand dollars and several days later, it may turn out to have been a complete waste of time and money as no major problems were uncovered.

Our services are relatively inexpensive and we complete our inspection in a few hours. When we see issues that could substantially affect the "live-ability" of a dwelling, we call in the experts. It is then up to the client to determine whether or not to pursue a more invasive and specific examination at a much higher cost.

We don't cite code violations because, as you should know, codes apply only to new construction. A home built in 1970 isn't considered "in violation" because it's not in compliance with 2003 codes. Otherwise, all exsisting dwellings would be required to be upgraded every time ownership changed.

If after paying you they are then told to hire a sparky. Doesn't this seem like you took money for a job you were to do?

Home Inspectors, by definition, are consumer advocates. Money spent on a home inspection, is money well spent.

Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738