NACHI's corporate neighbor adds two new online courses.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: mcyr
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.


Hi. Nick,

I would like to say that these learning modules put out by CertainTeed, is got to be the most educational information packet I have ever taken.

It is very educational along with being demanding on one's intelligence towards building and inspection both. I have been a builder for 35 years and have to admit that these modules stressed me out.
I would recommend this continued education course to any Home Inspector out there, for, they sure would find something to learn about the systematic design of a house dwelling.

Thank you NACHI for making information like this available.
I have taken and passed all 17 modules and will print all of them for future reference.

Thank you again and my hat is up for CertainTeed for putting this together.