Ultimate Home Inspection Practice Tool

Many states, some local municipalities, and provinces require home inspectors to pass an exam for licensing purposes.  Typically, these government-adopted exams are fundamentally inferior to InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination.  If you are in a jurisdiction that requires you to pass such a licensing exam, don't worry.  Help is here.
InterNACHI has developed the ultimate licensing practice testing tool.  It is a practice test intended to help you train, and mobile-friendly so you can easily use it on your phone's browser.  As you answer each question, you will be told if your answer is correct or incorrect.  
It's a fun learning tool!
This test training app allows you to return to it where you left off, again and again, from the comfort of your own home.  The prep exam contains more than 2,000 questions typically found on state and local licensing exams.  More sample questions and their answers are being added every day, so check back often.

InterNACHI® Members:

Access the licensing exam prep tool now (free to InterNACHI members).

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Join today for access to this and thousands of other InterNACHI® membership benefits.
Remember:  Much of what InterNACHI does helps members BEFORE they actually go into business... so check out the membership benefits section and join now.
InterNACHI...always helping. 

Also, take InterNACHI's free online inspector exam.  It is a great interactive learning tool.  It's open to all, even non-members.