Basmor Boiler Age

Can anyone date a Basmor boiler for me?

Model 1005PWXNA
S/N B61-1543


You mite try to google it. I’ve had to for American Standard and Burnham American boilers. They don’t really use the serail for a specific year. It’s like a range of years. also, if there is a boiler servive company in your area they can be really helpful too.

The type of serial number is a common one, so I’d way that it was from February 1961, unit #1543.

Wish there was a photo of the nomenclature plate. If memory serves me Amana manufactured Basmor for a period of time and therefore may have very well fallen under the B-L-A-C-K-H-O-R-S-E method of determining the age.

This unit may have been manufactured in 61, 71 or 81.