Arizona Statute of Limitations

HB 2076 passed unanimously today. This is just the first step. From here it goes to the Rules Committee Chairman. After that it goes to caucus. Prior to presenting it the chairman of the committee revised it from two years to four years. I wish it were less time but four years is better than no limitation. I was the only home inspector present. I did get a chance to speak but it would have been better if other inspectors backed me up. Please send an e-mail to in support of the bill.

We’re pushing.

Hi Gary thank you for informing us of the HB 2076 information for Arizona. I just emailed your contact for my support. Did they hint as to when it will become law?
Thanks again

Great work and news Gary.

I will send an email and give me a call and let me know when the next meeting is.

This is the next step for the bill. We should all keep a close eye on it.


Your bill made the (Monday) Rules Committee agenda to verify that it is constitutional. After that, it goes to Caucus and then Committee Of the Whole. In COW, anyone can amend it, so I will be watching for problems. After COW, it gets a floor vote and then to the Senate to repeat the process.


State Representative Jack Harper