Boat Dock

Doing my first boat dock inspection here in Florida just wonder if anybody has a little advice about what to look for and what to charge, really appreciate it

You should bring along a marine contractor unless you have the expertise in that field. It’s not like inspecting a deck. Davits or lifts involved?

Leaning and out of square
Cracked and loose lumber
Too far out in the water
Hinders next door access
Electrical supply too small
Need conduit and GFCI
What is lift rated for
Safety railing
Boat slip too narrow
Depth of water too shallow
Joist and supports too far apart
No permit tags on dock
Lumber not rated for submersion
Piling depth?
Previous repairs
Rust, decay, damaged bumpers

Give me a break!
It is a deck with its feet in the water. Just do it as a deck inspection. Above water line inspection only…Easy.

A lot more involved than just checking the deck boards, Roy…

Not much more.
I have done very many.

I am from Tampa .

And what happens when the piles are deteriorated and the deck collapses. Are you going to say I only looked above the water line. Keep at it and eventually you will get the fat letter in the mail

By the way, is that how you do a pool inspection too - from the water line up?

What do you do scuba ? I usually try to inspect tidal docks at low tide.And use a pole to probe the depths.
Pool…If the water is so cloudy I can’t see the bottom …Yes!
After 30 years no letter yet!

To each his own. Oh and about that letter. Everybody gets one sooner or later.

I do and it say’s so in my report, although I do refer to a pool specialists to perform a complete inspection & to go over maintenance & safety issues as well.

I do inspect what I can, visible plumbing, pump, chlorinator if equipped, filter, slides, diving boards decks and condition of the liner/tile/concrete above the water level.

I was one sued for a 7k pool liner a year after the inspection that had a loose patch in the deep end of the pool. Due to the fact that it clearly stated in my report that I don’t inspect anything below the water level I walked the first day, both LA & BA were not so lucky and spent many $$ defending themselves but did win also.

James, I apologize for the thread drift.

Decay does not take place below the water level. Not enough oxygen.
I used to build boat houses and docks.

Simply state that you cannot inspect what you cannot see or have access to.

Be careful on that statement about decay not happening below water. While that may be your experience there, up here we have a bit of an issue with shipworms. I will only inspect the topside visual stuff (and so disclaim) unless someone pays me to dive the dock.


Good wisdom