brick stain under alum. siding

Hi, we moved into this 35-year old house recently and found streams of brick stain under alum. siding under sloped shingle roofing (no roof gutter this side). Please see attached picture. Could some one have a similar problem and causes?

Your brick is stained from the aluminum siding? Just want to make sure I am understanding you correctly. You probably have the older aluminum siding that produces a powdery substance when you touch it. This can “run” in the rain staining other stuff. This is just a cosmetic issue if that is what is happening. I can’t tell much from your picture. I also recommend installing gutters anywhere there isn’t just to be able to better control the water on your property.

Somebody may be along in a bit that would have a better idea for you.

That would be water!

The flashing/starter strip of the aluminum siding cracks like a gutter, collecting rainwater from the aluminum siding which you will probably find is leaking out at joints in the starter strip.

You can almost see them in the picture.

I think the problem may be that your house is upside down.

I didn’t even catch that.