Insurance Questions

I am looking to purchase insurance for my home inspecting business and was wondering what are the types that I need to operate with. I am in kansas and there is no min requirements but I am not a min requirement kind of guy. Any advise would be appreciated thanks

Head on over to and get a quote. I would recommend general liability and errors and omissions. But others will chime in with more details.

Tim is correct. ask for Will Colton.


We look forward to getting you a quote. Call me direct tomorrow and we can discuss details and options

Search the topic and read the many threads here on the subject recently

Liability, E and O and do not forget to consider worker’s comp. Talk with a good agent familiar with your state.

Good advice John.

Taylor, feel free to give me a call and I can give you some ideas of E&O and general Liability, you may want both or just General Liability for know of your getting started?