
Hello, I just finished a home inspector course, just completed all 200 exams (kidding) from Humber College. I didnt know this site existed till a month or so ago. I have not started inspecting, for money, yet. I am getting everything in order. Learned a fair bit from here.
I have been looking and reading (lurkin :roll:) at what I can for some time. But you can’t see the pictures that are posted.
I hope to join in the near future and continue learning.

See you

Steve Gazo

Hi Steve. Keep on “lurkin” :wink: and join when you can. Lots of good info and benefits here.

Make that your next move. You’ll be glad you did.

Same boat here Steve. Only I’m lurking as a member. Lol

Join us soon. We will be waiting.

Sounds ominous…

Going away for my march break graduation/engagement vacation to Negril on Monday. She said yes twice. Once to marry me and the other that I can bring my golf clubs and dive gear. She is a keeper.

Enjoy north america while I am gone


Welcome Steve!

With the kind assistance of Nick, the ALLIANCE of CANADIAN HOME INSPECTORS can offer you a free membership in NACHI if you join ACHI. If you are not already a member of this great organization ( offer not for renewals) then now is your chance to join BOTH! Enjoy membership in an all Canadian home inspection association and benefit from NACHI’s unparalleled on-line education resources ( and all the other benefits too!)


Hey Steve,curious,is the humber course based on the carson dunlop training,if so do you see a difference from the internachi online studies,thanks

Steve, enjoy your trip and congrats on getting married. Take my advice. I can’t emphasize it enough. Here it is: Read EVERY word and EVERY word in EVERY link in Don’t just browse through it. Go to each link and explore. Then go to the next one. It will really make a big difference.

Don’t let reading interfere with your marital duties though. :wink:

Steve when you get back and are ready to get serious, NACHI is the ONLY place to be. Any and All home inspection info is here, unbiased, visual and readably accessible.:wink: Joining us will be one of the best business investments you will ever make.

Jim :cool:


Do exactly what Nick said above, but there is one success tip that he almost never openly shares. It concerns your website.

Before I spell it out for you, re-read his statement above. Now… re-read it again, but this time analyze what he is not directly saying.

If you have read at least a few of Nicks posts, (guesstimating) about 95% of them have a common trait. Do you have any idea what that is?

No? Click Here and Herefor a clue.

To avoid reading ahead and spoiling the answer, I’ll be back to post the answer to this puzzle in a short while.

(That’s another clue in and of itself) :wink:

Hey Mark, welcome. Update your profile so we know where you’re lurking:)

Greeting and good to hear from you Steve!

How did you get away with only 200 exams? Normally we expect 300…
Just kidding. I hang around here from time to time.

ALL the best
One of your former instructors…Claude

Welcome Steve. I’d take that ACHI offer seriously. That’s a great deal. Looks like a good bunch of guys over there. I’ve got to get my arse in gear and sign up myself. Petawawa eh? Doesn’t get much Canuckier than that! I’ve had some good times at CFB Petawawa and Pembroke during my service days.

All the best to you and your “keeper”.

It was not a bad “We will be waiting”. The guys and gals in InterNACHI are great people. You will learn a lot from them. Sometimes though you will get nailed by people like Meeker and linus. Just take there negetive comments with a grain of salt and learn from the masters like I do.

With that in mind, post here when you’re ready for the answer to my post #11. :wink:

I am guessing it is to learn from Experienced Home Inspectors the art of promotion.:slight_smile:

Good to see someone has been paying attention!

Actually I figured you learned it from a Chicago Home Inspector with educational and detailed inspection reports.

No… to your post.

Yes… I’ve now clicked your link three times to help your SEO.

If you were a true student of “The Nick”, you would have created another web page with a link for me to click, to get to another page with a link to click, and so on, and so on, and so on…