Membership Stats

Where can I find membership stats by state and by city? Looking for stats like x members per 1000 residence to help understand the density of Inspectors through the US.
And do a search by zip code .

That link is updated in live time and so is always accurate.

Thanks Nick, that helps with part of the equation. I’m targeting specific areas of the country to get the density of inspector/ city population and inspector / number of homes for sale. Doing a little research and think about a move now that my wife and I are empty nesters.

This was the stats I was looking for. Awesome job on this one.

Cluster Map

Isn’t there a shortage of inspectors in Florida :wink:

Good way to decide where there is a need.Packing my bags.:slight_smile:
Trying to figure why a few areas are heavier than I would expect .

There sure is. Good thing that NACHI has now made it even easier to get a license in Florida. :roll:

**Wow! No wonder there is a war in cost for a Home Inspection…who can do the inspection for less:roll:. I guess it is better to be an inspector and charge $250.00 for an inspection than to work in Burger King for $7.50/hr:shock:. **

This is the war price in Gainesville Florida. Work hard, long ours, lots of liabilities for what ever you can get…contrary to the preaching of INACHI. Bundle the inspection services and give a great low price regardless of quality and attention to detail.:roll:

We found we have 2000 licensed that compete in our area (3 surrounding counties)

It’s easy to get all of the business John. All you have to do is offer free appliance recall check and a 90 day warranty and the sky is the limit. :wink:

**Wow! No wonder there is a war in cost for a Home Inspection…who can do the inspection for less:roll:. I guess it is better to be an inspector and charge $250.00 for an inspection than to work in Burger King for $7.50/hr:shock:. **

There is the war price in Gainesville Florida. Work hard, long hours, lots of liabilities for what ever you can get…contrary to the preaching of INACHI. Bundle the inspection services and give a great low price regardless of quality and attention to detail.:roll:

i dont believe this map to be very accurate- my address doesnt have a pointer on it and anyone i click brings up a list of all indiana NACHI inspectors.

It’s intentionally not accurate. We don’t want to give out your real address so we randomly shifted every member. This from that page “Please note that exact locations are mildly shifted each time this page loads to protect our members’ privacy.”

The map isn’t for consumers, it is for members who have been asking to see if other members are in the area.

oh… then well done! :slight_smile: