start up advice

I am a new member of nachi looking to start a home inspection business. I have worked in the residential and commercial construction industry for 23 years and currently working to become certified. I am seeking advice on what hardware to use in the field for on-site reporting. I had initially decided on a pda as opposed to a notebook but after some researching, I’ve received conflicting reports on wether or not I can print directly from the pda or if I will have to upload to a laptop or pc and then print. Also, I’m a bit overwhelmed by the variety of reporting software available. Can someone help me to identify the software of choice?

Your first year in business I would try not to get hooked into the idea of generating reports onsite. Take your time, plenty of photographs and sit back and write your report at home or in the office. You will incure much higher risk of liability if you rush through and miss something that should have been in the report.

As far as reporting software, I swear by HomeGauge. If you buy the PDA option, you can upload your report templates to that and start collecting most of your data onsite. Then go back to your computer and start adding in all your pictures.

That’s what works best for me. Others might have different opinions.

Simon welcome aboard.

You should start by first reading as many posts as you can on the message board if you just type in your search bar (where it says search) type what ever you like it will for sure pop up.

I only say go this route because so many people have different ideas about what to use where to use and of course how to use it, I have spent many hours going through multiple threads and doing research about what everyone thinks about as specific topic you can find allot of great information if you just sit and search on this message board. you will learn more than you can imagine.:slight_smile: good luck and happy searching.

I have throw this out there 3D design software in MHO is very good.:slight_smile: had to get that plug in.

Some software vendors have the ability to print directly from the PDA and even include the pictures, including ours. I agree that the first few inspections I would not print on site but would download the report to your home office and double-check your report before putting it in the hands of the client. Depending upon your market…you may have to print on site to stay competitive and having the option to print on site is an option you may need. Make a list of the top 5 requirements in the software you want and then ask the main software vendors if they meet them and make a decision based on that. Every software vendor has their own set of zealots.


I have used Report Host from the begining. Now I use the “PRO” edition on a table (IBM THINK-PAD) Set up your template, touch the screen a couple of times and move on. I log all the info and then take things back to the office at night. I upload photos to Report Host, match to the description on the tablet and tidy up and send to the customer. I manage 2-3 a day most days. Once the pix are in the camera and the report is in the tablet it just takes minutes to assemble and I kinda get to proof it all again. Most reports delivered the same evening as the inspection. I figured my hands would be too busy to wander around with a PDA in one of them . . . I think I was right.
Works for me.

Home Inspector pro is being used by more and more inspectors every day.
It is operated by our very own resident computer expert Dominic Marcic.
I looks great and brings in lots of biz.

Home Inspector pro is being used by more and more inspectors every day.
It is operated by our very own resident computer expert Dominic Marcic.
I looks great and brings in lots of biz.