Broken truss.... recommend an engineer approve the repair.

I found an engineer’s prescribed repair in an attic a few days back for a truss with a simple break. It was an 8 page document with load / live load wind calculations and the approved repair meticulously documented, including nailing pattern and type of nails. Here’s a sample.

Nice! Like finding a unicorn.

Now the question is did they repair it according to the design document you found? Just because there is an engineer’s drawing does not mean that they repaired it properly.

Lol…hey Fetty looking at the date on that was that around the last time it was sold or pre CO?

Yes, the repair appeared to have been correctly completed.

Mike Casey from San Diego gave a class at the FABI conference on trusses Saturday and we got to talking about it during the break. He expressed the same sentiment, so I thought I would share it here.

Not sure Mike.

Appears to be a field/framer non approved repair.

The repair specs that I have seen are very specific. They boil down to the number of nails and nail pattern. If you see a specified nail pattern in the repair specs and the repair clearly doesn’t comply with that I would call it out for a further evaluation.

Yes, I have found other engineer approved repairs that called for scabs on each side of the broken truss member which extended the entire length of the broken truss member and the nailing pattern/type was specifically mentioned.

Top chord of the previous apparent unapproved repair… most likely the bottom truss on the delivery truck. Every time I traverse an attic and see a truss with sand (or any dirt) on it, I give it a extra attention. This was a multi-ply truss member which makes it more significant.

Photo did not upload in previous post.


And today…

Found another unicorn today. :lol:





Dave’s repair plans were designed by a truss company. The MiTek 20/20 software is proprietary software only sold to truss manufacturers.

Interesting, thanks Randy.