Company Logo

I was just wondering how long it took everyone else to receive there free logos. I want to get my website and business cards going, but I’m still waiting for my logo. Just curious.

About three weeks for me, they are swamped I’m sure. It is however, worth the wait.

I work on logos in the order that the requests have been made. Currently I am working around #64, I complete approximately 7 logos a week. Your number is #439 and you requested your logo a little over a week ago. We have additional help on the way but please be patient. I invest time and energy into everyone’s logo and try to create something that they will be happy with, I will do the same with your request when I arrive at it. Thanks.

Wow, busy man…

439-64= 375/7 per week= 53.5 weeks!

We’re throwing more help at the project. We underestimated how popular this particular InterNACHI membership would be.