Dirty Jobs...he gets it!!

Yep, I watched it up to the point the knifes came out. ;):slight_smile:
I have a weak stomack too.

Good post, Jae. He definitely gives us something to think about during the next “bathroom break”. :smiley:

And I would have needed one to watch the rest. :mrgreen::wink:

He’s speaking for all of us who worked for a living all those years.

That’s right…

Thanks for the post Jae!

Thank you Jae you supply some great things Much appreciated … Roy

Yes he does Roy, but I just could not watch the surgery. :mrgreen::wink:

I had run into the “septic guy” in the Home Improvement store…

I have known, him, his co-workers and their families for a very long time, we exchanged a handshake (an off day for him :mrgreen: ) and pleasantries.

He had asked me if I was going to have my kids learn how to build like I did, how to swing a hammer or well… you name it! I hadn’t really thought about it much when I replied “Nah… I want better for them than to have broken their fingers and backs, they will go on to college etc” In retrospect, he looked disappointed.

We spoke for a minute or two and before we parted ways he remarked:

“You know what Tim, it’s a shame, we are going to be the last of them, those who people can trust and can truly work and educate. It will die with our generation.”

I don’t know if that’s true… but many of the newer generation of “Trades” are all about throwing parts at problems rather than learning how to troubleshoot, raking their customers over coals… like WOW, I can replace a control board in a furnace that cost $50 and charge them $450 for thirty minutes of work… with little or no training! That’s a skilled trade?

Everything is disposable, and Mike’s right, we know more about buying things than how they work.

While I agree in premise with what Mike’s saying… isn’t watching how to build a deck on the TV still an extension of Instant Gratification?