First 6 to reply win 50-pack of Inspector Marketing cards. Merry Christmas.

Compliments of

To win, post your name and city.

Unless you give us other instructions, your prize will be shipped to the address you have on file in

If you already have the item, don’t want it, or have won plenty already, but still want to play… post “PASS.”

Merry Christmas!

mike bazzo

utica mi

Mark Timpani Tucson Arizona

Chris Currins
Alton, IL 62002

Mike Larson

Hudson WI

Me Please
Michael J. Meeker
1445 N.W. 9th Street
Dania Beach, Fl 33004

Christian Mettel

Aurora, Ontario

David O’Keefe
Delmar, NY

william chandler
deland, fl


terry russell
hazel park
mi 48030

Congrats to the first 6 to post!! Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year to you all!!