'Got Mold?' Template

A new template was just added to the marketing library. This is my favorite one yet, so check it out!





Jessica, what can we do to be able to read this when we click on it?
It’s way too small, and if I enlarge it, it’s way too fuzzy.

Also, I’m having a hard time understanding the reasoning behind what’s basically a blank, colored exterior, followed by a small amount (and size) of printed area on the inside.

A 1/3 cut cardstock, with everything on the front, may be more effective / efficient? Maybe even something related on the reverse side?

i.e., “Selling” on one side, Buying" a home on the other?

Please help me understand what I appear to be missing . . .

  1. Go to the Inspector Marketing Library.
  2. Find the piece you are interested in.
  3. Click the “Download Sample PDF” button underneath it.


There are basically two styles of designs that we are creating - more traditional templates like you’ve been seeing for every home inspection business for the last decade, as well as more modern and eye catching designs which break out of that traditional, boring mold. Any of these designs can be personalized as you see fit, so if there is ever a template that you like but needs to be adjusted to fit your needs, just let me know!

I really like your idea for a 1/3 cut cardstock, and we’re going to be adding a new design in that style to the library in the near future.

Thanks for your response - an being so responsive, Jessica!
That way, we can mix / match both sides (radon / mold, buying / selling, etc)!

Russ, if you’re interested in working on these with us email me at jessicalangerdesign@yahoo.com and we can personalize them for your business.