Hey everyone. Join the Inspector Brotherhood Facebook page here...

Inspector Brotherhood Public Group | Facebook

Awesome group of inspectors ALWAYS willing to help other inspectors.

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Bunch of whiney little crybabies that run off and cry to mommy if anyone says ‘boo’!!

Think I’m BS’ing?

Try and correct them on a mistake/tell them the actual ‘truth’ of how something is done!

You arse will be BANNED before you know what the hell happened!

Were you banned?

That and daily evidence of what little training and/or knowledge Many home inspectors that are entering this profession have, with three or four “senior” inspectors trying to hold their hand along the way.

Perhaps the biggest joke of all inspection groups on Facebook. Good for entertainment value and that’s about it. :roll:

Is this a paid promotion?

That group is more like Inspector Dramahood.

That’s what happens when you kowtow to vendors and let them set the rules. :roll:

Oops, just sent a request to join before reading the rest of this thread… What is a good one to follow?

Depends on what you are focused on/direction you are looking/what are you hoping to glean from it? If you are looking for quality of knowledge, honestly, you will find the best information on this very MB. Most people have migrated to FB because they are impatient and lazy. They want answers NOW, and they don’t want to work for them. They want the answers given to them without a hassle from those giving them. IMO, the majority of them are “mobile” users in the field that don’t have the proper means to research their questions. This makes for crap inspectors producing crap reports.

Note: The InterNachi Group IS NOT an actual InterNachi operated Group. It is “owned” by an inspector that grabbed the InterNachi name before they did. It is the “sister” group to the Brotherhood group and just about as worthless.

Nick Gromicko - Home | Facebook . :wink:
BizVelop - Home | Facebook
Certified Master Inspector - Home | Facebook
CCPIA - Home | Facebook
Cozy Coats for Kids - Home | Facebook

Oh, and my wife’s cosmetic company’s FB page is awesome. Jeffrey J is on there for hours :wink: Massk International - Home | Facebook

Thanks Nick, I’ll take a look at them.

Join and like my FB pages for me.

Anyway, in our industry, as in most, the popularity of a message board or FB group is inversely correlated to the level of moderation it suffers from. Moderated forums die a slow death. We’re grown men and women. Let us alone.

IB’s FB group is only very lightly moderated, which is why it has gained traction IMHO.

If you say so

“Hard” to pass this up… :wink:


BTW… interesting Logo…


There are dozens of FB groups out there for inspectors. IB is just one of many, many. many groups.

Some let in vendors, and it becomes sales pitches, drama and association wars.

Some are full of new inspectors who want someone to hold their hand rather than go take an actual class.

Some are just inspectors who are down to ask and answer questions for when you come across items in a home you are not used to seeing.

I have been in many groups and left most of them.