Hey Nick

You removed me from inspectorseek and the nachi seal shows me as a non member, but I can still post in members only and it claims I’m a member under my name, so what gives? Are you meeting my terms for removal?

The terms were for my membership fee to be returned in full plus the 20 you promised, you and coat tail riding ferry donate 100 each to Wendy? Your promise not mine…so is this going to be done? Are you actually buying me off? Are you just going to partially remove me and never live up to your promise of sending me and Wendy the money?

I’m still a member until you show me the money, so have someone fix the deal, or send Wendy and I the money!

:smiley: Stomp your feet and hold your breath. Maybe that will work. :smiley:

:mad: What did I miss Chuck you do not sound very happy with NACHI

Read his posts from the last two years…:roll:

" You removed me from inspectorseek and the nachi seal shows me as a non member, but I can still post in members only and it claims I’m a member under my name, so what gives?"

I believe the more salient question is whether YOU are living up to the terms.

Hope that’s clear.

I did not know there was a guide for posting on this freedom of speach message board.:roll:

As long as you do not not attack anouther person I do beleive you may say what you wish.

Say what you want and let it go.

Hope this helps.:roll:

I take that back there is a guide , but it does not preclude a person speaking his mind.

Chuck has a standing proposition.
read the thread…

Point me to it. . .

A little before or after this.



Chuck got his wish

But I’d be willing to bet that Nick and Joe Ferry did not hold up THEIR end of this deal.

I read a lot the post’s by cmccamm, I have not yet seen where anyone from NACHI agreed to pay him or anyone else any money. I did see where he called all NACHI members lazy I’m sure a lot of members including me would take offense to that comment.
Most of the time I cannot see what the hell he is moaning about

It seems that it has been deleted Jeff.

While we are here hows the Joe F. Tapping thing going?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:roll:

So were back to deleting posts on this freedom of speech board again. Great.

Erol, did you really think anything had changed?

No. Only the members change.

Now that was one hell of a joke…

The MAB (Private Investigators) couldn’t get answers (as I predicted), so the case was dropped.

It would be nice to see the courts work in this manner.

This place feels like “1984”.

“War is Peace”
“Freedom is Slavery”
“Ignorance is Strength”

If we just delete it, it didn’t happen. Right? :roll:

It wasn’t…

Here is the post starting at page #3
