Inspection teacher at Community College accepts postition at Ohio State InterNACHI.


Ohio* State**** InterNachi Announces New Training Officer:***
*This is an exciting time for The Ohio State Chapter of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. *

*We are proud to announce that Mr. Dale Williams will take the lead role for training and development for our chapter as part of our continued evaluation. *

*Dale brings with him a proven and outstanding background that will be an asset to all members of InterNachi and the chapter. *

*Dale’s background in home inspections started as a Fire Fighter. He attended the University of El Paso for Building Construction, CSCC for Home Inspections, Hondrous for Mold Inspections, and the University of Southern Columbia where he received certification in Industrial Hygiene Management (for added credentials for Mold Inspections). *

*His background is from Fire Fighting and has been a Fire Instructor as certified by the State of Ohio . In addition, he is a Certified Fire Inspector by the State of Ohio - as such, he has developed and conducted fire/building inspection programs for such companies as Port Columbus International Airport, Boeing, and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and is currently working on a program to teach a Home Inspection Class at CSCC. He has been a Certified Fire Inspector for over 12 years. *

*Please join us in welcoming and congratulating him. *

Jeff Judy

Outstanding, Dazzling, Marvelous!

Outstanding, Dazzling, Marvelous!